My name is R Lee Potter and I am a tale spinner, aka freelance writer, living on the picturesque Oregon Coast with my bride of 46 years. Our primary goal in life is to spoil rotten our two granddaughters, much to our son and daughter-in-law’s chagrin, When not consumed with those important activities, I author grant requests for non-profit and public service organizations, prepare marketing materials and intellectual capital media for businesses and write articles on various aspects of Information Technology best practices for magazines and trade journals. Since my first college creative writing class, I became enamored with fiction writing. My IT career required a substantial amount of technical and business writing, which like fiction, is all about telling stories. However I found it difficult to mix the two so fiction was set to the side. Now that I am semi-retired, I am making the time to revisit it.
If I can help you with one of the several services I offer, please go to the Contact page and call or email me for schedules and rates.